Snow Canyon Tech Recommendations


Trying to find the perfect computer, TV, monitor, mouse, backup battery, solar panel, etc.? See what technology products we've researched and recommend from a variety of brands.


Trying to find a great password manager, antivirus solution, office apps, or other software solution? Click here to check out our recommendations and reviews.

We take the time to test, review, and build partnerships with providers that we believe will help meet your needs. Some of these products, services, and software products are available at discounts when purchased through our team or affiliate links.

If you would like personalized assistance to figure out what product, service, or software will best meet your needs, please reach out to our team. We include purchasing services in some of our plans and are happy to help others at our standard rates as well.

We have affiliate partnerships with some of these products, services, and software providers and may receive commission on any items purchased through these links.